Design World Tweet Chat: The Internet & Deep Thinking
Join Design World on Wednesday, February 2nd, for the inaugural Design World Tweet Chat. Our entire editorial team will be tweeting with you on the topic of engineering education.
(If you’re not sure what a tweet chat is, I wrote a blog #Tweetchatting For Beginners, which you can check out and learn more)
To participate, just include #DesignWorld in your tweets that day, from 10 a.m. through 5 p.m. Eastern time. You can comment, respond to other tweets, even ask questions. Or, to just watch the action, simply go to our homepage at, where we’ll have a special Tweet Chat widget, showing the latest on the conversation.
Technical education is a critical component of our country’s being able to compete in the 21 Century. Are we on the right track? Our editors will be tweeting on the following topics and more:
How do we continue to innovate in the future if our technical education standards are falling behind other countries?
Are we experiencing a brain drain by educating international students as engineers and then forcing them to return to their home countries, where they put those skills to use?
Is engineering still a viable 4-year degree, or do we need to extend it to 5 years or more?
Do you think our elementary and high schools are doing enough to get students excited about math and science? What more could they be doing?
Are U.S. universities doing the right kinds of research? How can we promote more partnerships between universities and manufacturers?
How can we, as engineers, help in our communities?
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