How to See How Many Fake Twitter Followers You Have
In a social media age where you can be judged at how many Twitter followers you have, many sites such as buytwitterfollowers.org have sprung up offering you a cheap and easy way to build your following.
But, buyer beware as a new web app from StatusPeople uncovers how many fake followers you have.
Fakers.statuspeople.com is a free web tool that can show you how many of your Twitter followers are fake, inactive, and good followers. (Tweet this)
The creators of the tool emphasize on their site that their metrics aren’t perfect; they only analyze a sample of your followers.
There is no doubt that the results have the potential to humiliate anyone who pays money for subscribers; a dodgy practice that takes just a few minutes.
Twitter isn’t the only platform plagued by imposters, Facebook has admitted it has 83 million fake accounts and dupes. (Tweet this)
According to Fast Company‘s Social Media Road Map, it costs $77 to buy 5,000 Twitter follower bots at buytwitterfollowers.org; If you’re looking for fake fans on Facebook, usocial.net charges a nominal fee of $617 for 4,000 Facebook fan bots.
The Internet has always been a great place for people to become famous overnight, but internet users everywhere are always ready to brutally take someone down if they smell a rat in their digital midst.
Within the first few weeks of StatusPeople’s fake follower app launching, more than 30,000 people signed up, demonstrating the internet community’s desire to find out if a person’s follower number is in fact the real deal.
What’s your score? I’m at 0% fake, 7% inactive, and 93% good.
-Lance Brown
9% fake, 36% inactive, 55% good…time to snoop out the fakes and boot ’em STAT!