What’s your number?
I stumbled upon Klout a while back – found it somewhat intriguing. Their tech aims to rank folks according to their actions on Twitter and also Facebook. So through an algorithm of post content, re-tweets, followers and syntax you get to some number out of 100 ranking your influence and reach. I ranked a 31 a few days ago, but seem to have fallen to 30 today. I guess my apparent lack of consistent tweets over the new year took me down a notch. According to Klout – Klout uses over 35 variables on Facebook and Twitter to measure True Reach, Amplification Probability, and Network Score.
I tend to be somewhat skeptical with this kind of analysis, however after signing up they do have me ranked as a ‘conversationalist’ – more on the listening and casual side of the grid. I would have to agree as my posts hover from 3dcad to wine, and I find myself scouring more than broadcasting. I suppose these types of tools prey on your more narcissistic characteristics since I felt validated by the Klout analysis that “Marshall Matheson is effectively using social media to influence their network across a variety of topics.” And further that I have a high amplification and there is a good mix of friends and influencers that I interact with. You can also plugin your Linkedin account (beta) – we’ll see if I can move my score- or perhaps take it down a few notches. Ah the transparency of online these days.
Design World comes in squarely as a feeder as I suspected as we broadcast a daily stream of news, event and product information every day all day. Klout is interesting as you may want to consider following and connecting with users in your space that do have high Klout scores to benefit from their reach and influence. Klout told me I was influenced by The Onion – 86 – thought leaders! True that.
Klout Lands $8.5 Million From Kleiner Perkins And Greycroft To Measure Social Influence https://tcrn.ch/g3plBZ by @LeenaRao