Posting Frequency
I suck. I admit it. The last time I wrote was August, and before that once in June. How could these months have passed by so fast? I could blame Twitter and the plethora of tools to broadcast snippets of wisdom or mundane garbage, but I won’t. I’ve been trying out different social media tactics using the Engineering Exchange and applications like Tweet Deck and HootSuite. I broke down and upgraded my iPhone and have tentatively loaded FourSquare, a great new Twitter app, a social media CRM, and so on and so forth. But I still cannot blame that on not posting.
I think I’ll blame Dave -our most excellent Web Dev Guru – he’s suppose to be posting technical tidbits on cloud computing, database best practices, and php coding. He’s also suppose to be blogging his expertise on email send options, splits, targeting, tagging, SEO, social media integration, and automated systems to make the whole thing sing. But lo, I will not blame Dave.
Maybe I’ll blame Scott for turning over so many business opportunities my head is always swimming. But hey, I love the new stuff, the challenge, the tech: I cannot blame Scott either.
So here is my post and I am determined to keep more frequent and on topic. We always harp to anyone who will listen that blogging, content, consistency and relevancy is key and is a must. We have to listen to the conversation and then talk, join in and become involved. So I must heed my own advice.
Now where was I? Something like its a crazy time of change and fast moving opportunities- even in the repetitive small talk of a crap economy. I say things are excellent. With so many options to experiment, broadcast, and leverage technology it can *feel* like your getting de-railed at times, but embracing the tools and tech will provide a payback- that I am sure of.
Something has me more fired up for the end of this year and 2011, and its maybe more of the unknown than know. But what I do know is I have to get back to the mobile, the apps, the tech, the social media, the HD video, the webinar, the web dev, the tools and resources, the 3D CAD and the business of growing an innovative b2b publishing company. I love change. And so I will do my best to change and post more on whats working, whats not, and where we are and ask for your feedback, insights and inspiration.
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