New Digs
Next time your in Cleveland, its worth stopping into the brand spankin new WTWH headquarters. Check in using foursquare and we’ll hook you up with a special – Dave has you covered. 2019 Center Street, will get you here – Corner of Center and Washington.
So we’ve come a long way since day 1 where I spent many afternoons in the back yard on the lawn table dialing up beta websites and trying to find an office of my own. So its very satisfying to see the hard work by all manifest. And of course the boundless support by all – and I mean all – customers, vendors, consultants, family, Petes Coffee and more bring us forward…. but the timer is running and the awards must carry on – so here are a few pics.
2019 Center Street
Ste. 300
Cleveland, OH 44113
Phone +1-216-453-0615
Fax +1-216-453-0617
Congratulations! WTWH on your new space-Happy Birthday to Scott McCafferty—Tuesday
from his brother TED