#MediaCLE: from Traditional Media to New Media
During this session at #MediaCLE, Jacquie Chakirelis shared some insight on the media field and how it is constantly changing.
By starting your career in the media field, you are starting a journey. Remember to embrace and believe in your pathway because failure in inevitable. You will fail, learn lessons, and continue to make yourself a better employee.
Newspaper, Tv, Radio = Traditional media
Social Media = New Media
Did you know: 92% of American’s get their news from 4-6 different platforms? Most people seek news on Twitter, Facebook, Tv, Newspaper, Online, etc. Many different platforms are used to find and share news.
New platforms are forming daily. New media is ever-changing and today’s platform may not last through tomorrow. With New Media constantly changing there is one thing to remember: Audience and Content.
Some tips to keep in mind:
- You have to start somewhere: don’t be afraid to jump in a try something that is unfamiliar to you
- Practice: you might succeed or be your best at first but, try it out
- Never say never: in the media industry you will wear a lot of hats, be willing to take on anything and it will help you have a better understanding of your organization
- Understanding your mission: by understanding your mission it will be easier to make important decisions
- Invest in your own education: learn new things, watch webinars, continue to make yourself a better employee
Lessons learned:
- Be nimble when challenges arise
- Move on to grow
- A network is your best advantage: focus on your network all the time. In good times and bad. Help your friends out with jobs and opportunities
- Online communities are the future
- Audience is king: turn your audience into cash flow
Will social media survive? Things are constantly growing and changing, but Audience and Content are ALWAYS going to be there!
Follow @WTWH_Marketing for more coverage on #MediaCLE.
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