Farewell Engineering Marketers
A fond farewell from the founder of the Digital Marketing for Engineers blog.
The 6 Excuses Marketers Use to Avoid Pricing in Technical Marketing and why that’s BS
Too many B2B technology companies avoid providing easy to access pricing information. That makes life more difficult for buyers and needlessly complicates the buying process. Here are why the 6 most popular excuses are BS and the number one reason why you need to provide pricing information.
A 3 Step Method for Creating Marketing Content that Reaches Engineers
Don't let great content die in your subscribers inbox. Boost your content marketing by learning how engineering.com produces content that keeps 2.3 million engineers engaged each month. We reveal the strategy our writers use to prepare stories and discuss how to boost your marketing credibility.
Need a Larger Marketing Budget in 2018? These Survey Results Give You the Ammunition
Marketing budgets targeting engineers are soaring in 2018. Learn how much they're going up, in which industries, and the relationship with business success.
Lead Gen is Doomed and other Fearless Predictions for Engineering Marketers in 2018
What will marketing to engineers look like in 2018? John Hayes offers his fearless predictions on what he believes will happen this year.
How Marketers Can Reach Automotive Engineers
How can marketers craft unique content for automotive engineers? We've got answers from a survey of 1,187 engineers as to what works and what doesn't.
70% of Manufacturing Marketers Can Prove that Content Marketing Drives Leads: CMI Study
CMI's 2018 manufacturing content marketing study was just released. See how the trends in the survey align with ENGINEERING.com's own survey of 1,187 engineers.
Engineers Read your Marketing Content on their Smartphones
The results of a survey of 1,187 engineers on their content consumption habits as it relates to smartphones for marketers looking to reach engineers.
New Research Shows How to Reach Technology Decision Makers
We survey 1,187 engineers and then took a deep dive into the decision makers. Find out who they are, what they read, and how to reach them.
Can Engineering Marketers Create an Effective Word of Mouth Strategy?
What does it take to create an effective word of mouth strategy for engineers?
Research Shows that Engineers Spend 8.1 Hours Per Week Consuming Engineering Content
This study of 1,187 engineers found that engineers spend 8.1 hours each week consuming content, their peak consumption hours, and the devices they use
What Engineering Marketers Can Learn from an Organic Traffic Superstar
Grow your organic traffic from engineers and designers by creating evergreen anchor content using these 3 easy to follow steps.
Can AI Save Engineers From Bad Marketing Content?
Content is out of control & engineers are struggling to find the content that is actually relevant to them - thankfully machine learning and AI are here to help
Banner Ads? Why Would Engineering Marketers Ever Buy Banners?
What's the deal with banners? We look at why banners don't make sense for most engineers marketers and reveal the secret as to how and when they do make sense
Seven Deadly Sins of B2B Technology Marketers
Being slow on lead generation goals, marketing speak, foregoing awareness marketing - these are just a few of the seven deadly sins of B2B Technology Marketers
Four Internet Mega-Trends that Matter to Engineering Marketers
4 critical trends that will affect engineering marketing in the coming years
More Content, but Lower Quality from Engineering Marketers
Is your engineering content marketing being ignored? Find out what you need to do to ensure your content is being read by your target audience
Marketing to Engineering Decision Makers – Dos and Don’ts
We surveyed over 100 Director and CXO level engineers about their information consumption habits. This research shows how you can reach those decision makers.
Engineers Hate Your Content Marketing
Why aren't engineers engaging with your content marketing? We look at 2 common problems and provide a solution
Amplifying your Content Marketing with Employee Advocacy
What are employee advocacy platforms, how do they amplify content marketing, and do they deliver results? Our blog has the answers for engineering marketers